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What does it mean to be WILDLY WELL?

We don’t even know, YET! We know it’s a journey not a destination. We know that the little things like 6:00 am walks around our neighborhood, time spent with our 13 nieces and nephews, trips to the beach, & reading by the fireplace are all things we don’t take for granted. We know that gratitude for everything we have been blessed with is SO important.

But we also know we are just two high school sweethearts that fell in love before we even had ourselves figured out. So as we navigate this crazy thing called life, we both change and evolve daily both separately but more importantly, together.

We know that taking care of our bodies through whole foods and exercise is just part of the journey to being Wildly Well. We know that reading books and working on personal development is key. We know that having a solid financial plan and following it is something we had never seen in our families but we take very seriously. We are still learning. Failing most the time but getting back up together & going on to the next journey.

Our mission is to create a tribe full of amazing, totally KICK ASS people that want to continue on the journey to Becoming Wildly Well with us. Whatever it takes, however long it takes, we know we will continue to get there. For all who know us,  it will never be quite enough, even when we reach our goals- we will set new ones and strive for that & those are the kind of people we want to bring into our tribe, to join us on our journey!

If you want to work on the three basic principles to health, wealth and happiness that will improve your life beyond your wildest dreams & do it with truly authentic, caring, hilarious people then follow us on our blog as we navigate through our journey!

P.S. —- Something you should know about me. {That Preston hates but secretly loves}. I am NOT surface level. I love to dig deep with friends, family, strangers, dogs & you name it. I want to know it ALL so I can understand it all and open up my views. My favorite game that you will ALWAYS catch me playing is the “What we love/ dislike about each other?” Sounds intense right? Well it is! In order to have true wellness and happiness, you need to know what you totally rock at & what others think you could work on! SELF IMPROVEMENT IS KEY!

We played this last month & our best friends said that what they disliked about Preston is that he unapologetically FARTS ALL THE TIME AROUND EVERYONE! OMG THAT WAS HILARIOUS.

But guess what??? He always warns me before farting NOW! What a relief!!!! HAHAHA.

Anyway, have a great week. Lift each other up. Do something that makes you happy. Take a brisk walk. Let your kids sleep with you one night. Whatever it is that lights you up, just do it a little more often.

Talk to you soon,


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