Brandi Gilstrap
Brandi Gilstrap

I’m a mama and wife to the most amazing humans, a sister to the two best brothers on the planet, and I’m an advocate for all things self care and mental health.
Growing up in a family with addiction and severe mental illness, I have seen with my own two eyes what neglecting your self care and mental health can do to your mind, body and spirit.
We can share our truth because it is freeing but more importantly it is healing. It took me 25 years to admit that I was a product of an addicted and mentally ill family. But now that I own my truth, I have the power to take massive action into healing and becoming all I want to be.
Guess what is even more exciting? You can too!

Be My Guest
Be My Guest
Would you or someone you know make a great guest on the Becoming Wildly Free Podcast? If so, fill out the contact form to apply to be a guest. Tell me about yourself and why you think it is an aligned match to join me on the show. If it's a good fit, I'll contact you to set up an interview!