Wow! What a ride this last few months have been. I wanted to let you know what I’ve been up to.
There has been some really high highs and some really low lows. That’s part of life right?
In the last year I’ve continued to change and evolve.
I’ve grown. I’ve hurt. I’ve healed and I’ve hurt again.
I too have readjusted and quarantined to working from home.
Since quarantine started:
I’ve moved my mom from homeless shelter to homeless shelter, hotel to hotel… I’ve had to say no so many times when it was so much easier to say yes.
I invested in myself to be mentored by Tony Robbins, Dean Graziosi and Jenna Kutcher.. I’ve made some incredible friends that are changing lives.
I earned the top 1% on Jenna's Leader board and got to meet her in REAL life (well on zoom which is our real life these days).
I’ve launched my website from the package I won at an incredible conference (The Collective Conference) and the incredible @KayencoDesigns designed and built the most beautiful place to share my mission with others.
The biggest update: I’ve FINALLY 'burned the boat' and realized that I need to share my gifts with those that need me.
I’ve stopped playing small. I’ve stopped living in fear. I’ve stopped ‘what if ing’ my life.
Am I still scared? Heck yes.
But I’m choosing courage over fear.
My courage isn’t about me.
It’s about YOU.
It’s about all of you that are hurting. Maybe you are hung up. Maybe you are stuck. Maybe the stories you are telling yourself are keeping you stuck.
I want to help YOU.
I want you to release the past lies, limiting beliefs, toxic relationships and hang ups so you can move forward and start your journey to BECOMING WILDLY WELL.
My friend, I know what it feels like to feel stuck.
I’ve been tired of being tired. I’ve had brain fog that caused me to just go through life on auto pilot. I’ve hid behind what has hurt me for too long. I’ve had debilitating anxiety, fear and worry that has kept me up at night.
When I chose courage to address what hurt me then I started truly becoming a better, happier, clearer version of me.
I’ve been doing the work. Getting all the therapy. Healing and finding freedom from the heaviness I’ve carried.

I FINALLY launched a program that has been on my heart for so long!
If I can create a safe space for just ONE person to dig into their own stories and to find freedom from it, then it’s worth every bit of courage I have.
Now I’ve helped EIGHT women. EIGHT people with beating hearts. They trusted me and gave me the opportunity to hold their hand and get going.
I asked for ONE.
ONE PERSON I could help.
One person I could help out of the darkness and isolation.
One person I could help stop hiding behind what hurts them.
And there I was with my first EIGHT.
I launched the Fierce Freedom Academy that has helped women to learn new boundaries, find new meaning for their lives and to step into who they are and who they are truly becoming.
Here's a sneak peak of just a few of the amazing testimonials from my program:
"There were some breakthroughs around acknowledging pain and hurt in my life that I wasn’t aware of before. It’s amazing to discover them and now be able to move on and heal them. Several lessons and things also started to fall into place finally after hearing about them for years. Working with Brandi 1 on 1 and having her push me to go deeper than surface level helped me get an awareness about myself that I’ve never had before."
"After just a few sessions with Brandi, I finally feel like I can answer the question "who are you" without rattling off a list of titles I wear for other people - mom, wife, daughter, entrepreneur, friend, etc etc etc. She helped me remember who I am, so that I could find my own self-identity and begin to work towards caring for myself in a compassionate way."
"I joined the Fierce Freedom Academy because I resonated with Brandi's story and felt a connection to the pain points she has overcome. I thought if this girl is just one chapter ahead of me and could help me move on a chapter I'll get something out of it. I got so much out of the 4 short weeks with her. I honestly didn't realize how much my life could change in a short amount of time. She helped push me to feel everything I needed to feel and gain so much introspection. There were so many levels of pain and avoidance I had been holding onto for years. I am blown away by how quickly and efficiently her process is set up to help you discover what's holding you back. You have to do the work, there is no short cut. Brandi is right there with you and encouraging you to do the work and helps you feel validated and loved and worthy through all the mess. I am blown away by her gentle heart that manages to love on you while also helping advocate for you to push yourself for more."
I am BLOWN away by the response.
I could read them ALL DAY LONG.
But really, It's not about me, it's about YOU!
This can be YOU!
So I want to ask you, what's holding you back from BECOMING THE BEST VERSION OF YOU?
Are you ready to show up, do the work, and embody who you were made to be?